Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Comic book shoes!

Sorry guys, I realise I haven't posted for a while.
I have to say I'm totally in love with Mod Podge at the
moment. I whipped up these shoes (above) after laboriously
cutting out bits of comic up and sticking them to the uppers.

I loved how they turned out. Just need to get some clear spray
paint to seal them before I wear them out on rainy evenings :)

For more inspiration, check out this fab site which has lots of
mod podge projects.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Craftster inspiration!

I'm totally in awe of some of the posts which feature on the Craftster website. I stumbled across the above post by montyfull
I love the use of sequins-I'm a little bit obsessed with sparkly things at the moment. I'm off to Ebay to see how many metres of sequins I can get :0D

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Where do get your inspiration?

After browsing Etsy this morning (yes, I'm procrastinating again!) I found myself thinking how many talented people there are on Etsy. I wondered where did they get their inspiration? For me, I love Alice in Wonderland, so I am drawn to anything which invokes this.

I came across the clock (above) by CyberMoon-isn't it great?

I recently went on a surprise trip to Chester Zoo with my lovely boyfriend and I was very inspired! Lots of weird and wonderful animals which would readily lend themselves to being immortalised in gorgeous paintings and jewellery.

So what inspires you?

Monday, 10 August 2009

Love for stumbleupon!

OK, so I am totally addicted to stumble upon having never heard of it until today! After deciding with myself (these decisions need a second opinion!) that I should spend the day making stuff/ tidying and sorting I have actually spent the day in Etsy forums and looking on stumbleupon!

If you want a bloody good excuse to waste a day, check it out! Here's my latest addiction:

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


I have stuff to do, so why am I not doing it? I woke up two and a half hours ago. I've checked my emails and had breakfast. That's it. I could have packaged my Ebay stuff ready for the post office. I could have de-creased my pile of ironing which has been sitting there for over a week! If there was a magic pill to take to stop procrastinating, I would take it (as long as there were no side effects such as growing a beard, of course)

So it's decided. I'm going to drink my brew then....well, what should I tackle first??

Friday, 31 July 2009

New classy pics of my jewellery!

My sister (part of has just taken some lovely pics of my jewellery-check them out on my Etsy page!

I absolutely love them.
So I have been listening to Florence and the Machine non-stop since it arrived in the post. It's a brilliant album, but I don't think the members of my house appreciate the constant blasting of Florence Welch's dulcet tones.

Never mind!

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

So here it is! My blog. I'm sat here pondering what to write. What do other people talk about on their blogs? I haven't even done anything interesting today. I was in my pyjamas until 1pm. When I answered the door to the postman he said 'hope you feel better soon' as he handed me my post. Yes of course he's going to presume I'm ill, because what idiot would answer the door in their cat print pyjamas at 1pm in the afternoon?! Well, me obviously. Did I correct the postman, telling him I wasn't ill, just a complete lazy arse? Erm, nope!